Thursday 5 December 2019

Cloud computing (Pay-per-use)

With the growth of the Internet, mobile applications and many multicultural communications, it is
important for people to be able to access and understand information in many different languages
quickly. These information resources with a diversity of different languages are distributed in Web
pages and the databases. Cloud computing offers these resources for users in "Cloud" through the
Internet pay-per-use basis. The term Cloud refers to a Network. We can say that Cloud is something,
which presents at remote location. Cloud can provide services over all networks such as, WAN, LAN
or VPN. Applications such as E-mail, web conferencing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
etc implement on cloud computing.
Cloud Computing deals to manipulating, configuring, and accessing the hardware and software
resources distantly. It also refers online data storage, infrastructure, and application. From a user's point of view, a good cloud computing defined as using Web applications and/or server services that we pay to access rather than software or hardware that we purchase and install.

Cloud Computing includes data, application and storage and also provides these three basic services i.e.
1. Software as a service (SaaS)
2. Platform as a service (PaaS)
3. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

In software as a service model, IT companies provide software services to different customers by
virtualized environment. In platform as a service, companies provide different software development
environment to the user in which they can develop their applications by using the company’s platform. In infrastructure as a service, the user of the cloud uses the physical infrastructure of the cloud providers such as servers, hard disks etc.

The main advantage of cloud computing is that the customer/user pays for what they are using. Pay-as–you-go method is a payment method for cloud computing that charges based on usage in private cloud and amount of storage in public cloud. Some other advantages of cloud computing are as follows:

 One can access applications as utilities, over the Internet.
 One can manipulate and configure the applications online at any time.
 It does not require to install a software to access or manipulate cloud application.
 It offers online development and deployment tools, programming runtime environment
    through PaaS model.
 Cloud Computing offers on-demand self-service.
 It is highly cost effective, it just requires an Internet connection

RBMI is working to ensure that our students are educated about the benefits of cloud computing and
the best way to attach the full potential of the cloud. RBMI conduct consistent IT workshops/seminars
for students which help them to learn new trends and new technologies.


Thursday 10 October 2019

शिक्षण में शिक्षण नीतियां और शिक्षण प्रविधियों का व्यावहारिक अनुप्रयोग

प्रभावी शिक्षण हेतु यह आवश्यक है कि कक्षा में जाने से पूर्व ही शिक्षक यह सुनिश्चित कर कि किसी निश्चित कक्षा में शिक्षण कार्य हेतु चयनित "प्रकरण विशेष' के अन्तर्गत छात्र व्यवहार में वांछित परिवर्तन हेतु निर्धारित उद्देश्यों की प्राप्ति किस प्रकार होगी, तथा ये भी तय करे कि किसी निश्चित उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने हेतु कितने विशिष्ट उद्देश्य निर्मित किए जाएं, जिन्हें प्राप्त करने के लिए कक्षा की समय सीमा को ध्यान में रखते हुए प्रकरण विशेष को कितने शिक्षण बिन्दुओं में विभाजित करे। साथ ही यह सुनिश्चित करे कि प्रत्येक शिक्षण बिंदु को छात्रों के मन मस्तिष्क पर साकार रूप में उकेरने हेतु किन-कन शिक्षण विधियों का प्रयोग करेगा? इनमें कौन-कौन से प्रांसागिक उदाहरणों का प्रयोग करेगा, जिन्हें छात्र जीवन से जोड़ते हुए उपर्युक्त शिक्षण बिंदुओं की व्याख्या को और अधिक स्पष्ट व प्रभावशाली बना सकेगा। इसके अतिरिक्त शिक्षण को अधिक प्रभावी बनाने के लिए शिक्षक को यह भी निश्चित करना चाहिए कि उपर्युक्त उदाहरणां को प्रस्तुत करने हेतु वह कौन-कौन सी शिक्षण प्रविधियों का प्रयोग करेगा एवं इन प्रविधियों के प्रयोग के लिए वह वर्तमान में शिक्षक के समक्ष उपलब्ध कौन सी शिक्षण तकनीक का प्रयोग करेगा जो वर्तमान परिस्थितियों एवं उपलब्ध संसाधनों में सर्वोत्तम हो तथा सैद्धान्तिक एवं वैज्ञानिक रूप से न्यायोचित भी हो। शिक्षक को यह ज्ञात होना चाहिए कि उपर्युक्त योजनाबद्ध शिक्षण छात्र में किस हद तक रूचि उत्पन्न करेगा तथा कक्षा विशेष के विद्यार्थियों को तार्किक चिन्तन हेतु प्रेरित करते हुए उसके संज्ञानात्मक, भावात्मक तथा कियात्मक पक्षों को किस प्रकार एवं कितने अंश तक प्रभावित करेगा?

शिक्षण का उद्देश्य उपलब्ध जानकारी को आत्मसात करने में छात्र की सहायता एवं मार्गदर्शन करना एवं प्रत्ययों का वास्तविक जीवन में उपयोग करना है। अतः एक शिक्षक को अनिवार्य रूप से उपर्युक्त प्रत्ययों की जानकारी होने के साथ-साथ परिस्थिति विशेष में उनका सर्वोत्तम प्रयोग करने में दक्ष होना चाहिए। जहाँ शिक्षण नीति शिक्षक द्वारा निर्मित पाठ-योजना को दिशा प्रदान करती है वहीं शिक्षण विधि छात्रों की प्रत्ययों को प्राप्त करने की जिज्ञासा को उचित अंश में पूर्णता प्रदान कर शान्त करने का कार्य करती है, शिक्षण प्रविधि छात्रों में प्रस्तुत प्रत्यय में रूचि उत्पन्न करती है तो शिक्षण युक्तियाँ विभिन्न प्रकार से प्रत्ययों पर अधिपत्य करने का अवसर प्रदान करती हैं। वर्तमान शिक्षण प्रकिया में छात्र केन्द्रित शिक्षण को ध्यान में रखते हुए अन्वेषण, समीक्षा, योजना पद्वति, वाद-विवाद, ब्रेन-स्टॉर्मिंग, अभिनय, संवेदनशील प्रशिक्षण, स्वतन्त्र अध्ययन आदि जनतांत्रिक शिक्षण नीतियों को सर्वोत्तम माना गया है।

इसी तरह अन्य सभी शिक्षण बिंदुओं को उनकी प्रकृति एवं विषयवस्तु के अनुसार प्रस्तुत करने हेतु उनके लिए उपयुक्त शिक्षण विधि, शिक्षण प्रविधि तथा सर्वोत्तम उदाहरणों का प्रयोग करते हुए पूर्ण प्रकरण को छात्रों के समक्ष निर्धारित समय में रखने हेतु कौन सी शिक्षण नीति का प्रयोग करते हुए आज की कक्षा विशेष में किन किन व्यवहारिक उद्देश्यों की प्राप्ति सुनिश्चित हो सकेगी, शिक्षक को इससे भली भांति परिचित होना भी नितान्त आवश्यक है।

स्पष्ट है कि उपरोक्त शिक्षण व्यवस्था को कक्षाकक्ष में सम्पूर्ण प्रभाव में लागू करने हेतु निश्चित रूप से शिक्षक को अधिकाधिक शिक्षण कौशलों, शिक्षण नीतियों, विधियों, प्रविधियों, एवं शिक्षण युक्तियों का ज्ञान होने के साथ-साथ कक्षाकक्ष में उन्हें उपलब्ध सीमित संसाधनों में सर्वोत्तम प्रकार से लागू करने के कला में निपुण होना अनिवार्य एवं अपरिहार्य है जिनके अभाव में शिक्षक अपूर्ण एवं अप्रभावी प्रतीत होने लगता ह।

मोर पाल सिंह, असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर (एम.एड. विभाग), 

Wednesday 25 September 2019

India & Happiness

The research suggests that happiness is a combination of how satisfied you are with your life and how good you feel on a day-to-day basis. Both of these are relatively stable—that is, our life changes, and our mood fluctuates, but our general happiness is more genetically determined than anything else.

Below is the list of the top 10 happiest countries around the globe:

 [1] Finland, [2] Denmark, [3] Norway, [4] Iceland, [5] Netherlands, [6] Switzerland,
 [7] Sweden, [8] New Zealand, [9] Canada, [10] Austria

The World Happiness Report for 2019 has put Finland on the top spot on the happiest country for the second consecutive year. According to the reports, Finland is the happiest country amongst 156 nations surveyed by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. India [140] has dropped down seven spots in the happiness rankings as compared to its 2018 [133] ranking. The immediate neighbors of India including Pakistan (67) China (93), Bhutan (95), Nepal (100), Bangladesh (125) and Sri Lanka (130) are way ahead in the happiness rankings. The report also admits that despite the increase in income level the people remains unhappy. Now the main question before government is to find out the reasons of unhappiness in the country because the happy people are the asset of the country and they can contributes to the economy. 

Various factors that determine the happiness levels of a country includes life expectancy, social support, income, freedom, trust, health and generosity, amongst others.

 Some of the reasons which are responsible for dropping the position in Happiness Index are listed below:

 1. Rapid urbanization
 2. Congestion in cities
 3. Environmental pollution
4. Problems of commute
5. Question of law and order
 6. Safety regarding women
 7. Worries about food and water safety
8. Insecure about their health

Students at RBMI, Bareilly campus are continuously trained to deal with all the hazardous of their life so that they can build their social values. Time to time seminars and lectures are arranged which groom their skills in every aspect.


Thursday 12 September 2019

                          Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing in a combined way

Cloud Computing is a concept which is delivering different type of services to its clients. Clients who can use cloud computing and its technology, ranges from simple single user to big corporate houses. It is the latest and trending technology widely and extensively using by big corporate houses.

Cloud give its services in three modes SAAS, PAAS and IAAS. SAAS is known as Software as a Service which is for end user who want to use service as a software. PAAS is known as Platform as a Service use by software developers for software development and the last and most important one IAAS that is known as Infrastructure as a Service for software companies if they want to use costly application and web servers.

Cloud computing provides in house demand supply depending upon needs and usage. Some big giants of Cloud Computing are Amazon ECS, Microsoft Windows Azure and many more. Currently Amazon is a leading player in this market giving its On-demand Supply to users of different domains.

Artificial Intelligence when used with cloud computing boost the power of both in a tremendous way, cloud computing provide its robustness and mobility to access from anywhere and analytics power of artificial intelligence gives a unique advancement in research activities.

Artificial Intelligence is growing at a very rapid rate from software to robotics, from aviation to medicals now we can see every where AI is marking its foot print. In this era directly or indirectly AI is affecting the human lives.

RBMI Bareilly has separate labs for both cloud computing and artificial intelligence which continuously focuses the students to learn new and latest technologies as cloud computing is a part of their learning and awareness either through course curriculum or through value addition classes. We conduct regular seminars and workshops in our RBMI Bareilly campus for students which help them in learning new trends and technology growing in the market.

Since Cloud provide its services in two modes PUBLIC CLOUD and PRIVATE CLOUD, so AI developers can use any of the service depending upon their need. A private Cloud is a proprietary network which provides secures and paid services to limited users, whereas public cloud give its services to anyone on the internet.

We are hoping for a better tomorrow with these two latest technologies as they keep on working together for the development of society.

                                                RITURAJ DIXIT (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, RBMI-BAREILLY

Saturday 31 August 2019

       Career Options in Digital Marketing in India

Digital Marketing is the fastest growing sector in India. Over the last few years Digital Marketing in India has seen an exponential growth and by the end of the year, 2020 it is expected to generate over 20 Lac jobs per year. According to Cisco’s Visual Networking Index (VNI) report, by 2021, 829 million Indians (59 percent of the population) are expected to use internet on daily basis. Out of above 829 million, 79% will access the internet through mobile.
It is hottest skill in today’s business promotion. We, at RBMI Bareilly, are using Digital marketing tool for advertisements on various social platforms like Facebook, twitter, YouTube and Instagram etc. which certainly has proved to be the effective tool for promotion and other related activities. It is projected that by the year 2020, every company around the world will have an online existence. But in order to get extraordinary search engine rankings and increase customer base, these businesses will need digital marketers those deals different types of career opportunities to individuals. For a successful digital marketer following skills are needed:
 Good knowledge about technology
 Creativity
 Analytical ability
 Willingness to experiment
 Copywriting
Digital marketing career offerings different Job opportunities such as: Email Marketer Demand of Email Marketers has increased as it offers the most promising jobs for a marketer in today’s era, Social Media Marketer Brands have started communicating about their exclusive services
on social media sites to create engagement with their followers, SEO Executive Brands, which earlier was working with SEO agencies, had started building their in-house SEO team to take care of Google Webmasters Guidelines, PPC Expert (SEM expert) - Google offers instant results through PPC ads (pay per click), which allows brands to advertise their product and services anytime and to choose their target audience based on Geographic’s & Language, Data Analyst - Analyst plays a critical role in exploring new channels for advertisers and optimizing ROI.


Saturday 6 July 2019

Artificial Intelligence: An Overview 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been defined as science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs as defined by John McCarthy, Father of Artificial Intelligence.AI is the technology that tries to emulate human performance by learning, coming to its own conclusions and enhancing human cognitive performance as mentioned by Gartner. Machine learning, Robotics and Artificial neural networks are branches of Artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is not a new term, its origin can be traced back to 1956, when this term was coined in Darthmouth conference, that time AI was an academic discipline. Since then its development went through various phases, in 1997 IBM’s DeepBlue beated Kasparov, world champion in chess. In 2002, Amazon used AI for giving automated recommendations. 

Artificial Intelligence is going to have deep impact on business, impacting life of every one from all the possible angles. It will change the way we live and work. AI is currently being used in various sectors like agriculture, education, health, logistics, entertainment media, manufacturing industry, construction industry to name few. For example, HR people are using it for recruitment, selection and training, Sales function uses it for customer care queries and suggestions, Finance function is using it for finding risk in investments, production is using for making production easy , fast and accurate.

Top five companies for developing AI are IBM, Microsoft, Toshiba, Samsung and NEC. IBM has about 8000 patents and Microsoft has about 6000 patents under their names. Out of 20 organizations publishing AI documents 10 are in China, 6 in US, 2 in Singapore and one each in Japan and France. India is ranked 5th in case of citable documents in artificial intelligence (2010- 2016) with 13,948 documents. 

So, Artificial intelligence will radically change the way we do business and the way we live. Human will have competition from machines. Business organizations to be successful must be ready to learn, unlearn and relearn. Importance and implications of Artificial Intelligence were also discussed at RBMI, Bareilly. 

Saturday 25 May 2019

Digitalization: A Boon for Small Retailer 

Digitalization gives an apparent idea of development and technology dependent world. Digitalization means computerization of systems and jobs for better ease and accessibility. Digitalization refers to the adoption in use of digital technology by the key market players. It is the process of making everything digital that can be digitized and the process of converting information into digital format. Some of the advantages that have effected and educated the society, includes- 

  1. Increased Productivity- With a well-executed digitalization and document imaging plan can be reduced to a few seconds or less. 
  2. Cost efficiency- Document Imaging with APTARA can help reduce these costs to minimal levels, helping you focus on core business areas and increasing the investments for value adding verticals. 
  3. Easy to access and always accessible- Documents that have been converted can be easily accessed through the cloud or system using any device that has internet, anywhere or anytime. 
  4. Optical character recognition: OCR techniques along with proper indexing of the data help in searching and accessing the data efficiently saving time and efforts. 
  5. Enhanced security- A scanned document is traceable document. 

Digitalization has helped the retail sector too. Now many small businesses have access to a range of digital tools that allow them to increase accessibility, information availability, and customer connection. To assess how these tools improve business performance in small businesses, Deloitte surveyed more than 2,000 U.S. businesses with fewer than 250 employees, collecting responses on their use of digital technologies and performance according to key metrics such as revenue growth, job creation, exports, innovation, customer numbers, , social media for customer engagement, sales, marketing, or other business purposes, E-commerce and online scheduling capabilities via their own websites or third-party platforms, Online advertising, including ad banners on websites, social media advertising, and search engine marketing and optimization, internal productivity tools that improve internal business processes, such as cloud-based software, video conferencing, and corporate social networks. 

When the customer shops for the first time the retailers can get their personal details like phone number, email id, birthday and anniversary, occupation etc. If customer’s birthday/ anniversary are coming then they can wish their customer and add its emotional connection with the retailers. If the customer did not shop again then we can also contact with him. It will impact the customer behavior and will attract towards the retailer for future business. To make a regular customer, retailers can make the loyalty program. This type of services offered by the and helps the small retailers to connect with the customers. 

In the similar manner, Digitalization has helped the education sector in the large manner. Students, while studying in the college or school can always remain up to date regarding their academics or any other activity. Online classes and lectures are being digitally arranged for easy and flexible learning. Student can now easily understand the topic in 3D through Digitalization, which once in the class was quite difficult to understand on a 2D platform. Communication with the mentors has also become easy through which results have impressively improved. With the aim to have convenient and smart education system with zero students’ dissatisfaction level, RBMI, Bareilly campus offers digitalized ambiance which allows learning in more advanced way and get themselves placed around the world with best placement opportunities. 


Thursday 16 May 2019


In this era of digitization with the rapid growth of IOT and linked devices, experts of cyber security face a lot of challenges. They need all the help to prevent attacks and respond to unauthorized access. The rapid increase in cyber security threats facing global businesses can be controlled by the integration of Artificial Intelligence into cyber security systems. Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being connected more extensively over industries and applications as the computing power, storage capacities and data collection increase. With machine learning and AI, that intensive amount of data could be broken down in fraction of time, helping the industry to identify and recover from the security threat. 

Security professionals tried to fix the flow of information. But the two fields have grown closer over the time, when the attacks have targeted to simulate the performance, not only at the human user level but also at lower system levels. CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a very good example of connection of AI & Cyber Security. Improvements in automatic character recognition software, which can be considered to be a huge leap in AI technology, could take the field towards more refined pattern recognition. Artificial Intelligence systems that are intended to learn and adapt, and are capable of recognizing even the smallest changes in the settings, have the capability to act much earlier towards the cyber attacks. 

Techniques In Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Cyber Security 

  1. Expert Systems  - An Expert System is a computer system that imitates the decision making trait of a human and can be considered as the best example of Knowledge based system. These systems are composed of two sub-systems: the Knowledge Base and the Inference Engine. 
  2. Neural Nets - Neural Nets is also called deep learning. It is an advanced branch of AI and takes inspiration from the working of the human brain. When we implement the deep learning to cyber security, the system can identify whether a file is dangerous or legitimate without human interference. This technique generates strong results in detecting the malicious threats, compared with classical machine learning systems. The victory of neural nets in cyber security is their speed. Neural nets can define the exact detection of new suspicious threats and fill in the dangerous loop holes that leave industries wide-open to attacks. 
  3. Intelligent Agents - Intelligent Agent (IA) is self-sufficient entity which may gradually learn or use their knowledge base to achieve their objectives. They can be either extremely simple or very complex. ALEXA and SIRI are the examples of Intelligent Agents. They can adapt to real time conditions, has capabilities to learn new things rapidly through communication with external environment, and also consist of memory base and recovery abilities. 
In the current scenario where threats and cyber-attacks increase with every minute, the need of intelligent security system is essential. Artificial Intelligence techniques are easily adaptable yet hard to secure than contemporary cyber security solutions. Therefore AI is needed to increase security implementations and defend system from a growing number of advanced and complex cyber threats in a more effective manner. For this, RBMI, Bareilly continuously put its efforts to educate for the same by conducting the workshops, taking the classes and seminars and also by implementing in the academic structure too. With this, we thus aim that in future we may have more intelligent systems than what we have currently. 


Friday 19 April 2019

Parrikar’s Watermelons

The whole world is looking to India as a Spiritual Leader. Unfortunately, hardly few are aware of the great heritage we have carried! There is a story behind this which could motivate all of us to carry our heritage to young generation. To educate for the same, LATE SHRI MANOHAR PARRIKAR, the former Chief Minister of Goa, gave a story which strongly influences that how important it is for the young generation to know their culture and how are we losing it if not taken seriously.
"I am from the village of Parra in Goa, hence we are called Parrikars. My village is famous for its watermelons. When I was a child, the farmers would organize a watermelon-eating contest at the end of the harvest season in May. All the kids would be invited to eat as many watermelons as they wanted. Years later, I went to IIT Mumbai to study engineering. I went back to my village after 6.5 years. I went to the market looking for watermelons. They were all gone. The ones that were there were so small. I went to see the farmer who hosted the watermelon-eating contest. His son had taken over. He would host the contest but there was a difference. When the older farmer gave us watermelons to eat he would ask us to spit out the seeds into a bowl. We were told not to bite into the seeds. He was collecting the seeds for his next crop. We were unpaid child laborers, actually. He kept his best watermelons for the contest and he got the best seeds which would yield even bigger watermelons the next year. His son, when he took over, realized that the larger watermelons would fetch more money in the market so he sold the larger ones and kept the smaller ones for the contest. The next year, the watermelons were smaller, the year later even small. 
In watermelons, the generation is one year while in humans, generations change after 25 years. In seven years, Parra's best watermelons were finished. It will take us 200 years to figure what we were doing wrong while educating our children. Unless we employ our best to train the next generation, this is what can happen to us so we must attract the best into teaching profession for which RBMI, Bareilly fits the great place and still spreads the heritage to young generation. 
Great story indeed! Each one of us is responsible to offer our best culture to next generation!


Saturday 13 April 2019

Mission Shakti: Why the ASAT Missile test is important for India? 
The UN General Assembly is also trying to bring about an international legally binding document on the prevention of an arms race in outer space. 
On Wednesday our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi made a big announcement that India has become the fourth country after US, Russia and China to acquire the capability of space warfare. An anti-satellite missile the one that was fired by the scientist of DRDO can target an LEO satellite. The Missile can completely destroy the satellite in the LEO range. Low Earth Orbit or LEO refers to an altitude up-to 2000 kilometer. A Satellite in LEO can monitor activities on ground and even under the water surface. Such a satellite can be used for pose serious threats to the country's security in the instances of war. 
Honorable Prime Minister Modi listed two reasons for explaining why Wednesday’s Mission Shakti was so special: 

  1. Firstly, India is the fourth country to acquire such a specialized and modern capability. 
  2. Other reason is that entire effort is indigenous. 

On Wednesday current DRDO chairman Shri G. Satheesh Reddy according to News Agency said, "We have mastered anti-satellite capability and we have today shown that we can hit satellite at long range with few centimeters of accuracy". 
India has although no intention of entering into an arms race in outer space and at the same time is against the weaponization of outer space but supports the International efforts to reinforce the safety and security of space based assets. The test was done to verify that India has the capability to safeguard their space assets as it is the responsibility of Government of India to defend their country's interest in outer space. 
The government is committed to ensure the country's national security interest and is alter to threats from emerging Technologies as well. RBMI Bareilly feels very proud for this capability which is achieved through the anti-satellite missile test that provides credible deterrence against threats to our growing space-based assets from long range missiles and proliferation in the types & number of missiles. 

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Indian General Election 2019

It is the right thing to say that the Indian general election 2019 is quite unpredictable.
Not only are the number of voters in the election 2019 important but also their individualities are essential. If we generalize the Census of 2011, around 2 crore children turn into 18 years old each year. Once the election 2019 comes around, there will possibly or supposedly be, 10 crore electorates for the first time. Every person does not get listed with the ECI (Election Commission of India) however it is a group that no party-political might think to overlook. The main concern and opportunity for the political parties fall in the information that the amount of first-time electorates in India for election 2019 is huge. As per the data of ECI, around 2.7 crores of the young generation falling between the ages of 18 years to 20 years is previously listed in the electoral rolls.
First-time electorates act contrarily. They are not only tech-savvy and more educated but also well informed in comparison to their entire family as the use of technology has made them ready with all updates. Even all the members and youth of RBMI, Bareilly is also well aware about the 2K19 elections and is eager to cast their vote to the right candidate. They might have an opinion in election 2019 which goes in contrast to the conventional political likings of the family. They might also possess an influence on election 2019 by performing as the outlook- creators and influencers inside their family circle as well as friends.

As soon as the huge fight of election 2019 is arriving, the party-political are over an overdrive to involve with the young voters. One of the immense questions today is that which alliance or political party will thrive in election 2019 along with the attraction of younger voters. We are sure that the connectivity of 4G to the rural part of India and usage of low-cost smartphones will make the battle of election 2019 is probable to be battled exceedingly on phones. 

Monday 18 March 2019

Religion, bonfires and an abundance of colored chalk — India’s Holi Festival is just one the world’s most beautiful celebrations.

On this day all faces are masked with colors, and social rules are relaxed in India. It’s of no surprise that numerous communities overseas are also jumping on this multi-colored bandwagon and wishing each other a ‘Happy Holi’ too. Every year, the Holi Festival brings a rainbow of chalk to the streets of India. The Holika bonfire is ignited the night before the Holi, bringing people gathered together for an evening of dance and song.
The following day, the bonfire gives way for a free-for-all carnival of color. Participants play, chasing each other with colored water and colored powder. This festival is celebrated to mark the triumph of good over evil and its main intention is to bring together strangers, uniting the rich and poor, men and women, children and elders — people who might not mingle otherwise. People are brought together to play and laugh, forget and forgive, to repair ruptured relationships.
Holi is basically a traditional Hindu festival, which is a way of expressing the rich cultural and traditional heritage but now it has become very popular with non-Hindus in South Asia, as well as communities outside of the continent also. In Europe it is celebrated in the form of a music festival, featuring songs accompanied by an exuberant riot of color on streets and buildings.
There are different forms of Holi Festival across India, the Lathmaar Holi Festival in Barsana (Mathura, UP) involves men with shields being beaten with women and bamboo sticks during which the men attempt to fight the women off by sprinkling them with colored chalks. In Delhi, it is celebrated in a modern way, as a music festival with live performances and traditional multi-colored powder throwing while in Jaipur it is celebrated as Holi Elephant Festival, featuring elaborately painted elephants, elephant polo, and tug of war. RBMI, Bareilly campus also celebrates colorful Holi festival every year with lots of music, dhol, live performances, and unlimited games along with throwing multi-colored powder.
The bitter image of this festival comes when some crowd celebrates this divine fiesta with Alcoholic Drinks, Synthetic Colors and Chemicals which becomes very dangerous for health as it may contain insoluble metal particles and other harmful elements too which may cause eye irritation or skin related problems. At the same time it generates serious environmental issues also as they pollute the water. Some use water balloons also whose careless usage creates plastic pollution too.
So despite behaving badly with others and celebrating this festival with negative tools, we should share our joy with others and must realize that it is a festival of love and friendship so it should be celebrated in a decent way by maintaining the real spirit of this festival.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Welcome to the RBMI Family

The responsibility to groom & prepare the leaders of the next generation lies on academic institutions. At RBMI, this thought process stems from its vision to emerge as a world leading institution churning out practical, focused and confident scholars. RBMI Group of Institutions hosts more than in 11 programs.
The RBMI Group of Institution is a group of seven world class institutions offering an array of industry oriented professional degree courses in the varied fields of Management, Computer Application, Pharmacy, Engineering and Academics.

Its 2 state-of-the-art campuses in Bareilly & Greater Noida are recognized as the hub for innovative education systems and are home to students from all across the country.

The RBMI Group of Institution boasts of an exceptional academic structure headed by reputed teaching faculty carrying diverse industry experience on global ranks. The highest standards of teaching and learning are delivered by an exceptional staff, fully experienced in contemporary techniques.

Both the campuses have been laid with contemporary infrastructure setup that meets the mandatory guidelines of statutory bodies as well as play a crucial role in developing the academic, social and professional acumen of the students. Vast expanse of open spaces, well stocked libraries, latest technology based computer centers, hostel accommodation, extensive sports facilities and cultural clubs outline RBMI Group of Institution.

It stands committed to produce professional of high caliber who can withstand the tough industry challenges and emerge as winners in their respective chosen fields.

Almost half of all the students that start college fail to finish. Why?